Wensleydale Art
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Archive of Sold Paintings
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Archive of Sold Paintings
Seaham Lighthouse - watercolour
Sweet Williams- oils
Jack (oils)
Coverdale (oils) canvas 8”x 8”
Swaledale (oils) 8” x 8”
The Gift of Contemplation (oils)14x12.5”
Martha (oils)
Max (oils)
Evening Dining in Carcassonne (oils on canvas)
Old Boat, Tobermory (oils)
Celia - Grand Hotel, Tynemouth
Old Railway Line, New England (oils on canvas)
Onions (oils)
The Kite Flyer - diptych (acrylic)
Silver Street, Masham. (Oils)
The Buttertubs (oils)
Bamburgh Castle (oils)
Probable Cause (oils)
Probable Cause (oils)
Mousehole (oils) 10x8”
Little Boat at Mousehole (oils)
Summer Meadows near Muker, Swaledale (oils)
My Wife and Daughter 1986 (pastel)
Morning Coffee (pastel)
Prospect Hill (oils)
Holy Island (oils)
Bamburgh Castle (oils)
Emma (pastel)
Cheryl’s Diner, Portland (pastel)
Leather Shop, Pienza, Tuscany (pastel) (Musing in Pienza)
From Grinton Moor II (oils)
From Grinton Moor (oils)
Swaledale from Muker (pastel)